Practice Policies

See below for Practice policies including COVID-19, Data Protection, Health & Safety, Chaparone, Infection Control and Safeguarding Policies:

COVID-19: Click here to see how we will do all we can to keep you safe when attanding the Practice.


This publication scheme is a complete guide to the information routinely made available to the public by Dunstone Optometry.  It is a description of the information about our NHS services that we make publicly available.  It is reviewed at regular intervals and we monitor its effectiveness.

Your Rights to Information

  • The Freedom of Information Act 2000 is designed to promote openness and accountability amongst all organisations that receive public money.
  • From January 1st 2005 it will oblige optometrists’ practices to respond to requests about the NHS related information that it holds, and it will create a right of access to that information.  These rights are subject to some exemptions that have to be taken into consideration before releasing information.
  • In addition to accessing the information identified in the publication scheme, you are entitled to request information about our NHS services under the NHS Openness Code Act 2000.
  • New environmental information regulations may be introduced as early as 2003.  These will enable similar access to environmental information as under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
  • Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you are also entitled to access your clinical records or any other personal information held about you and you can contact any practice where your records are held to do this.

Personal Information Register 

We record use of personnal information using a register.


If you have any comments about the operation of the publication scheme please write to Derek Dunstone at the practice.

Classes of information

All NHS information at Dunstone Optometry is held within NHS guidelines.  Our commitment to publish information excludes any information that can be legitimately withheld under the exemptions set out in the NHS openness code or freedom of information act 2000.

The information on this scheme is grouped into the following categories:

  1. Who we are – see About Us on web site
  2. Our services – Dunstone Optometry provides free NHS eye tests for those that are eligible.  You may also be entitled to vouchers that can be used against the purchase of glasses or contact lenses if you require them.  To find out if you are eligible for assistance please ask for details in the practice.  Appointments for eye tests can be booked over the phone or by dropping into the practice.  Opening times can be found on our web site.
  3. Financial and funding information. – for every eye test performed on behalf of the NHS the practice receives a set fee of approx £21.00.  This goes towards expenses such as salaries, equipment costs and other overheads.  If you are not eligible for the NHS eye tests please contact the practice for details of our current charges.
  4. Regular publications and information for the public – a complete set of information about optical and ocular conditions, eye tests, glasses and contact lenses can be found on
  5. Our policies and procedures

Changes to publication scheme – we will publish any changes we make to this publication scheme.

Charges and access

The information within each Class is available in hard copy from:

           Dunstone Optometry, 3 Queen Street, Hadleigh IP7 5DZ

For the most part we will only charge for hard copies.  Charges are as follows:

·       Access from our web site – free of charge

·       Single hard copies – free of charge

·       E-mail – free of charge

·       Multiple hard copies – we will inform you of the cost of these charges in advance.

Data protection

This practice complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and keeps manual and computer records safe and confidential. Registered with the Information Commissioner's Office for data protection.

Your anonymised data may be used for audit, research and planning unless you inform us to the contrary.

Please click here to view our Data Security, Quality & Protection Impact Policies.

Access to health records – The data protection act 1998, which applies to living “data subjects”, governs access to the health records of patients other than deceased patients.  The Access to Health Records Act 1990 governs the access to health records of deceased patients.  The 1998 Act applies to patient records held manually and on computer.  Two categories of people are allowed to have access to a patient’s health records.  These are the patient and an applicant acting on behalf of the patient.  The fee for providing a copy of your optometric records, together with an explanatory summary, is £50.  The right of access can be wholly or partially excluded in certain cases.

Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance - on display in the office, please ask to view

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

Our statement of general policy is:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • To provide and maintain safe equipment
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances
  • To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions and
  • To review and revise this policy as necessary.

Health and Safety Policy Guidance for Incident Reporting and Investigation

Dunstone Optometry Incident Reporting Policy

Dunstone Optometry acknowledges its duty to make sufficient provision for the management of health and safety in the workplace. It is the policy of the Practice to fully implement the requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
1999 by providing the facilities, procedures and resources to effect a suitable and sufficient health and safety management system.
The primary operational responsibility for discharging the health and safety requirements with regards to this policy lies with Derek Dunstone. Duties of implementation may be delegated to individuals in a manner that accurately reflects their existing levels of competence and responsibility. These individuals must plan, organise, control, monitor and review their health and safety
management systems. However, in certain circumstances, the advice and assistance of specialist advisors will be required.
Summary Guidance
All Staff:
Ensure that any accident to yourself, no matter how minor, is reported in the Accident Book, which is found either in or close to the first aid box. Call a first aider for anyone who needs first aid treatment. Inform Derek Dunstone or a "responsible person" of any dangerous occurrence or near miss.

First Aiders: After giving treatment to any injured person, complete an entry in the Incident Book and inform Derek Dunstone of the event. If the injured person is an employee, also make an entry in the Accident Book. In the case of a major injury or fatality telephone Derek Dunstone immediately.

ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURE (used in the event of an injury to a person)
If an employee receives a slight cut or abrasion whilst at work and does not require the assistance of a first aider they may obtain a small dressing or plaster from a first aid box. However they have a legal responsibility, under the Social Security (Claims and Payments)
Regulations 1979, to record any injury at work, no matter how minor. They should do so by making an entry in their Department's Accident Book, which is kept either in the First Aid Box, or close to. Sometimes an employee may be injured but does not
require any of the contents of the first aid box (e.g. plaster, dressings). Even in such circumstances the employee should still make an entry in the Accident Book. Attendance of an individual with a serious diseases (as diagnosed by a GP) should be reported to Derek Dunstone.

In the event of a dangerous occurrence or a near miss Derek Dunstone should be informed immediately.

An "incident" " in this document refers to any accident resulting in fatality, major or minor injury, or a dangerous occurrence or a near miss. "First Aid" injuries are any injuries which require first aid treatment but do not require any further treatment (e.g. taken to hospital). In this document we exclude very minor cuts and scratches which are self treated, for example by the application of a plaster.


The staff at Dunstone Optometry are committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance. 

This chaperone policy adheres to local and to national guidance and policy as laid out in the Guidance and advice published by the College of Optometrists.  

Patients are welcome to bring a chaperone to accompany them into the consulting room.All our practitioners and staff are aware of, and have received appropriate information in relation to this policy.

Our practitioners and staff will:

1. Explain procedures to the patient as necessary and respond to their questions.

2. Comply with any request from a patient not to carry out any procedure, although this may require the sight test to be terminated.

3. When examining a child or vulnerable adult, allow any request for a parent or carer to accompany the patient in the consulting room unless it is contrary to the

declared wishes of a “Gillick competent” child.

4. Maintain an open-access policy – i.e. a policy which means that colleagues are able to simply knock and enter the consulting room at any time without having to wait to be invited in after knocking;

5. Where it is thought appropriate, keep the consulting room door ajar to enable the parent or carer to hear the consultation if they are not in the consulting room.

6. Explain what they are doing during the examination, the outcome when it is

complete and what they propose to do next. Keep discussion relevant and avoid

personal comments.

7. Record any other relevant issues or concerns immediately following the


What is a “Gillick competent” child?

The policy makes mention of a “Gillick-competent” child. The law regards young people aged 16 or 17 to be adults for the purposes of consent to treatment and right to confidentiality. Therefore if a 16 year old wishes a medical practitioner to keep the treatment confidential then that wish should be respected. For example, children under the age of 16 who have the capacity and understanding to take decisions about their own treatment are also entitled to decide whether personal information may be passed on and generally to have their confidence respected, for example if they were receiving counselling or treatment about something they did not wish their parent to know. Case law has established that such a child is known as ‘Gillick Competent’, i.e. where a child is under 16 but has sufficient understanding in relation to the proposed treatment to give, or withhold consent, consent or refusal should be respected. However, good practice dictates that the child should be encouraged to involve parents or other legal guardians in any treatment.

Dunstone Optometry Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint about any of our products or services (including NHS eye examinations), we recommended that you first discuss any problems with Derek Dunstone. Please click here for information.

Useful resources

 Copyright: Material available through this publication scheme is copyright unless otherwise indicated.  Unless expressly indicated to the contrary, it may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium, provided it is done so accurately in a manner that will not be misled.  Where items are republished or copied to others, you must identify the source and acknowledge copyright status.  This permit does not extend to third party material, access through the scheme.

 Infection Prevention and Control policy

We at Dunstone Optometry work according to the Infection Control Guidance issued by the College of Optometrists

Safeguarding Policy

All staff are familiar with the recommended guidance for our profession* and know what to do if they suspect or observe signs or symptoms of suspected abuse, neglect or radicalisation ie report to Safeguarding Lead (Derek Dunstone) in first instance.

*Guidance on Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults, Optical Confederation, Jan 2012

*NHS England Safeguarding Guide

Lone Working policy

Our team rarely work alone but when necessary work accoring the the NHS guidance:

Information Governance

Derek Dunstone, on behalf of his team, has passed the NHS Introduction to Information Governance, Introductory Level (2013).

Whistle Blowing Policy

Our team are encouraged to raise any concerns about malpractices should they occur. Such matters will be dealt with fairly, consistently, effectively and in a timely manner, in accordance with current legislation. We take malpractice seriously and whistle blowing can therefore be described as a process of reporting matters of concern and includes: -

Poor quality care, Malpractice of Care, Criminal Offences, Fraud or corruption, Negligence, Other Civil Law issues, such as racial, sexual or disability discrimination, Miscarriage of Justice, Danger to Health and Safety, Environmental issues (e.g. pollution)

Quality in Optometry

Derek Dunstone has satisfied Quality in Optometry Certification; Level 1 (Practitioner and Contractor), Level 2 Contractor and all relevant NHS checks.

Clinical Governance

Derek Dunstone is the named Practice lead for CG.

NHS services

Information regarding NHS and other services can be found by clicking here or by requesting a leaflet from Derek Dunstone.

Publication Scheme

The above information on this page is displayed as part of my responsibility under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

3 Queen Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 5DZ Tel: 01473 823755