Eye Examination

NHS and Private - including home visits which are available and welcomed.

The eye examination has now become even more comfortable! We have invested in the latest eye pressure measuring instrument that requires no puff of air, or drops. This innovative equipment is completely painless and is based on a rebound measuring principle.

Your vision and eye health is extremely important to us. To ensure that you receive a thorough eye examination we use the very latest optical technology. This can include the latest Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography (SS-OCT) and Ultra-wide view OPTOS scans. An extended examination ie recommended for all patients, rather than the more basic NHS Sight Test.

OCT is an advanced eye scan for people of all ages. Similar to ultrasound, OCT uses light rather than sound waves to illustrate the different layers of the eye and provides a three dimentional scan of the eye strucures. The scan is non-invasive, painless, simple and quick. The images are saved, together with a digital retinal photograph, for future comparison. Common conditions identified through regular OCT scans are age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, macular holes and vitreous detachments (see 'eye conditions' page for futher information of these conditions). Click here to find out more about the OPTOS scanner.

Booking your eye examination could not be more simple - telephone, call into the Practice or send a message via the 'Contact Us' page of this site.

After 30 years examinining eyes in Hadleigh Derek Dunstone is taking a slight step back - click here for information

Professional fees

  • Private Eye Examination: £90, to include digital retinal imaging, SS-OCT scan and/or OPTOS retinal imaging,
  • Extended NHS test incl scans £60,
  • Urgent/Emmergency Examination (essential tests only) £90,
  • Test completion following emmergency appointment £60,
  • NHS subsidy towards eye care available to some patients, click here for information.
  • Eye examination, Contact Lens aftercare and 12 months support: £120,
  • Copy of Prescription £7,
  • Spectacle dispensing fees - single vision £80, multifocal £170 (included in the price of spectacles)
  • If an eye examination is carried out privately and the NHS fee subsequently claimed, the maximum fee refunded will be £23.14. This is our charge for a basic Sight Test; fees above this are for additional procedures eg scans, contact lens care etc. Comprehensive eye examinations are provided privately rather than basic 'Sight Tests',
  • Click here for Contact lens fees

Eye care appeal for Africa

We are supporting the Vision Aid Overseas (VAO) Ethiopia campaign. The prize draw has been made. Please click here for further information. VAO are no longer recycling spectacles but still providing eye care and spectacles overseas.

Eyecare for adults and children with learning disabilities

We are committed to providing the best services for all. Click here for information and resources about eye care for adults and children with learning disabilities.

Private Ophthalmology Referrals

If required, we are happy to refer you to a Private Ophthalmologist either locally or in London. Click here for further information.


3 Queen Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 5DZ Tel: 01473 823755